Saturday, December 5, 2020

Facts In 2020: PT. 1.

Why do America promotes a white Christ? When he was Black as Daniel describes him in the Bible. Ethiopians as his soldier's coming to Black and Brown people final defeat against the oppressors. Why would he come to save white people when Black and Brown people been oppressed by whites for 400+ years today? Jesus Christ should be included in Black History as one of most prominent revolutionary leaders. He came in many forms, Moses, Noah, etc and the 19th century, Dr. Martin Luther King... As before, each time betrayed by his own people along as it was clear to what happen to Malcolm X.. Each person betrayed them fortune and fame promised by the oppressors. We are living sacrifices the oppressors made to accomplish what the knowledge they have today. The knowledge we naturally had. It's clear they are lead by Lucifer himself because of the evil acts they committed against my people. The same pale ones our great, great, great, great ancestors warned us about. The messiah sacrifices will never go without purpose. And as the murdering continuously happens because most of my people are willing to live in lies. Those who know the truth will not follow the enemy. If Yehew was born on Christmas day, we as Black people should celebrate him coming to reincarnated himself in many of those who sacrificed their lives for their people, Black people. The only race whom have endured hardship from the oppressors. Nobodies stupid enough to believe the lies in 2020 😒. If anybody should hate anybody it should be US for what has happen for centuries to our people. However, because His mercy endures forever. We constantly forgive the racism, injustice acts wanting only justice and not revenge. To be the original humans we were meant to be before they stole everything from US. We still today forgive them because of the saviours mercy upon US for turning out back on our heavenly father. Don't be fooled. We all weren't made in God's Image. Lucifer and the fallen has a big part in those who've stole and rule the governments today. Let's face it. The truth is here that is why they are purging my people with this covid19 virus. Yet, God will not let the enemy destroy his people entirely. Though many who have followed the enemy shall follow him into the lake of fire. My people must understand who we are in this country, this world. We're the only reason this planet hasn't been destroyed. We are the original and only real humans on this earth. Every other race comes after US if you want to be honest. Be wise my people and understand who created the entire galaxies.. The same creator whom created US in his image... Think about that!

- BoSsWRiTeR

#2020Vision #WeAreTheGenerationofDavid #WeShallNotBeMoved #JesusWasBlack #TheBibleSaysSo #WhyLieAmerica #WhyStealOurTruth #WhyDeny #WithoutUS #TheresNoAmerica #NoPlasma #NoBlood #NoOrgans #NoScarificesToYourGodLucifer #NoWorld #Noplanet #NoLife #BlackLivesMatter #YouKnowThisWhiteAmerica #BlackAmericaWasMadeInGodsImage

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